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Write an introduction paragraph and a well-developed thesis statement at the end of your introductory paragraph. Write a literature review of

Write an introduction paragraph and a well-developed thesis statement at the end of your introductory paragraph. Write a literature review of activist/organization in about 600-700 words each, about 1,200-1,400 words in total, based on at least 4 peer-reviewed scholarly articles/books. For that, in addition to discussing who they are (their concerns, works, accomplishments), chart carefully what methodologies they deploy for their advocacy. Please remember that a literature review is not an annotated bibliography. Rather than listing each individual work and discussing it in isolation from the other works chosen, interweave your discussion of the works so that it forms one coherent review. Write a concluding paragraph (about 80-100 words). Provide a bibliographical reference of your sources. You can use either APA, MLA, or Chicago style, but state the style on the top of the first page of your paper. Edit, spell and grammar check your assignment. Note that I will deduct points if your assignment contains copious grammatical/spelling errors This assignment is designed to engage in feminist activism in a meaningful way while also meeting writing emphasis requirements. As such, you will be building your Feminist Activism Paper 2 on this assignment. Keeping this in mind, your task in this assignment is to summarize their concerns, works, and accomplishments of either two feminist activists or one feminist activist and an organization or two organizations that advocates for a similar feminist issue. For instance, if you would like to write about LGBTQ rights, pick either two organizations that advocate LGBTQ rights or two activists or one organization and one activist that advocate about LGBTQ rights. For this, research 3-4 sources for each activist/organization. At least 4 of your sources should be peer-reviewed scholarly articles/books. Here are some Topics you may choose from: The Black Lives Matter Movement in the U.S. Black Women and Prison Activism in the U.S. The Me Too (or #MeToo) Movement in the U.S. The U.S. Immigrant Rights Movement. Environmental Justice Movements in the U.S. Indigenous Rights Movements in the U.S. LGBTQ+ Rights Movements in the U.S. Anti-Wars Movements in the U.S. Reproductive Justice Movements in the U.S.

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