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When the Conflict Is with a Patient Sydney Johannson, a 67-year-old man, was admitted to the medical/surgical unit 3 days ago

When the Conflict Is with a Patient

Sydney Johannson, a 67-year-old man, was admitted to the medical/surgical unit 3 days ago for unresolved nausea, vomiting, and jaundice. A tumor was discovered in his bile duct, and he is scheduled for surgery tomorrow. His probable diagnosis is cancer.

You have been the primary RN caregiver for Mr. Johannson the past 3 days. He is short tempered and verbally abusive to you. He barks orders at you, ridicules almost everything you say, and is never satisfied with the care you give him. You realize that he is sick and frightened, but his behavior is frustrating and obnoxious. You find yourself avoiding going into his room just to avoid his verbal backlash. Today, when you enter his room to adjust his IV and give him his routinely scheduled medications, he makes several derogatory comments about your ethnicity and taunts you about looking like “an overstuffed pillow” and moving “slower than a snail.”


1. Read the Scenario above, and then answer the questions below:

a. What is the source of this conflict?

b. Answer the following questions concerning the scenario:  Decide how you will respond. Is conflict avoidance justified since the patient is sick? Are other conflict resolution strategies more appropriate? Is bullying by a patient any more acceptable than bullying by coworkers? Role play with your peers how you might respond to this patient and what if any limits, you might set in terms of his behavior. How much control do you have over the patient’s behavior?

c. What is your bottom line in terms of behavior you will accept from this patient?

2. Your paper should be:

. One (1) page

. Typed according to 
APA Writing StyleLinks to an external site. for margins, formatting, and spacing standards.

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