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Use a Social worker for mental health at Adventist health care Behavioral and the other one at Federal city recovery services for

Use a Social worker for mental health at Adventist health care Behavioral and the other one at Federal city recovery services for substance abuse addiction

This assignment will involve community networking, which is a
valuable skill in social work practice

Please go on the website of the agency and town/city. Read about the services the agency provides & find information about the community that they serve. Being prepared for each interview is very important. When asking a social worker, please let them know that this is
part of your MSW education, and the interviews should not take longer than 15 minutes.
Using the Social Work Interview Template provided on the assignment page, please write a 3-to-5-page paper summarizing the interview. Use APA format, proper spelling, grammar, and structure. Please use the Online Writing Center if you know you need to grow in your writing competency.
Interview Questions
First introduce yourself and remind them the reason for the interview.
Why did you go into the field of social work?
What type of education do you have?
What population of people do you serve as a social worker?
What is your typical day at work like?
What are some of the best parts of your job?
What areas of your job would like to see improved?
How has social policy impacted the clients you serve?
How do you practice self-care?
Do you have any advice for me as I am pursing the social work profession?
Have you ever had a social work intern? If yes, what was it like?
Have you considered taking a social work intern in the future?
Do you know of other organizations in the area that may take social work interns?
Note: Ask open ended questions, so the social worker can elaborate as they desire. Avoid asking
questions that can be answered by a yes or no. Listen intently.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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