Pediatric Health & Medical Worksheet Nursing Assignment Help
Provider: i. Questions for HPI When did these symptoms begin? Is the child experience exercise intolerance? Any shortness of breath/signs of respiratory distress? History of genetic conditions? ii. Questions for ROS Poor feeding? Any newborn cardiac concerns? Previous cardiac history? Any pain, weakness, coldness to the extremities? Fluid retention? Cough when laying down? iii. Physical […]
Health & Medical Capital Budgeting at Cleveland Clinic Nursing Assignment Help
Respond to each of the following prompts or questions: Using the information provided in the Los Reyes Hospital case study from Module Three, what capital expenditures may the selected departments need to budget? Considering the organization you selected, what is a capital expenditure that may be needed that would result in a tangible asset? Select […]
TOPIC: Maternal mental health in pregnancy and child Nursing Assignment Help
TOPIC: Maternal mental health in pregnancy and child behavior. Find 3 professional journal articles on your topic of choice. Try to find articles […]
HU Health & Medical Clients Discovery of Negative Impacts Nursing Assignment Help
A discussion about one of the videos you watched, either for client Eddie, Ms. Clark, or Leann. You will find a link for the videos within this week’s folder. After viewing the video, answer the following questions on a new thread: Name the Stage of Change for this client and if not in the Action […]
NUR 630 FIU Impact on Healthcare Systems and Public Health Nursing Assignment Help
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disabilities, or Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia In recent years, there have been reports linking autism to vaccinations. After studying Module 5: Lecture Materials & Resources, address the following in a well-written discussion post: Explain the controversy regarding vaccines as a possible cause of autism spectrum disorder. Does the current US based research the […]
HSC 1531 FSCJ Health & Medical Defining Health Discussion Nursing Assignment Help
Respond to two follow-ups to a classmate’s posts: 1. It is widely recognized that the US healthcare system places a greater emphasis on treating illness rather than promoting preventive care and keeping people healthy. This approach leads to higher healthcare costs and poorer health outcomes compared to other developed countries. According to the Centers for […]
Continuing with the same cultural group and health issue for Nursing Assignment Help
Continuing with the same cultural group and health issue for the Session Long Project that you began in Module 1, write a paper to address the following: Describe the Relationships and Expectations of the group you chose. Specifically, address how each of the PEN-3 model’s three factors within the dimension of Relationships and Expectations applies to your […]
Affordable Care Act and Public Health [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1, Nursing Assignment Help
Affordable Care Act and Public Health [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1,
NSU Understanding Community Health Discussions Nursing Assignment Help
(respond to two other students ) DISCUSSION 1 When discussing mortality, community health should be discussed to explain it more. Examining the issues in a certain community shows insight into what the people inside it go through. With healthcare barriers such as finances transportation, lack of awareness, etc this all leads to health problems that […]
Part 1 Mental health stigma has long-been a concern, Nursing Assignment Help
Part 1 Mental health stigma has long-been a concern, although progress has been made. What do you think are some ways to combat stigma, when envisioning yourself working on a base as mental health provider? Think of it as you are the only mental health provider in town and part of your job is increasing […]