Submit a comprehensive draft of your sport outreach plan that includes elements of
your previous sections and is revised to incorporate feedback from the peer-review process and
the instructor. The draft should be professionally written and directed toward a general audience
of your program’s hypothetical stakeholders- partners, funding sources, participants, staff- and
tell them clearly and concisely what your organization and its activities are all about.
Be sure to include a relevant and informative title, an introduction/overview of your plan, and a
wrap-up/summary. The plan should be well-organized, easy-to-follow and flow smoothly
Please see attached For this Week’s Policy Quick Guide, you add to your practical resource by focusing on key policies related to healthcare. You
Please see attached For this Week’s Policy Quick Guide, you add to your practical resource by focusing on key policies related to healthcare. You also focus on ways to assist clients in understanding complicated healthcare policy. Resources Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity. Click the