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Students will be expected to write an 8-10 page APA style research paper on Rehabilitation Counseling. The paper should be written in APA format and the to

Students will be expected to write an 8-10 page APA style research paper on Rehabilitation Counseling. The paper should be written in APA format and the topic should be approved by the instructor.

Students will be expected to write an 8-10 page APA style research paper on Rehabilitation  

Counseling. The paper should be written in APA format and the topic should be approved  

by the instructor. The following should be included:  

1. Title/running Head  

2. Abstract (200 words or less)  

3. Body of Paper (Please include at least four main points in this section)  

4. Conclusion/Summary  

5. Reference Section (At least 10 references used to sufficiently document and support paper)

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