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Student 1 Important: Please review the assignment promptLinks to an external site. and grading rubric before submitting your Spark Grant Community Project

Student 1

Important: Please review the assignment promptLinks to an external site. and grading rubric before submitting your Spark Grant Community Project Proposal.

Large files may take longer to upload, so manage your time strategically. I highly recommend converting video files to YouTube and submitting a video link.

Your proposal must include six Creative Commons-licensed materials in total:

  • You must utilize 3 image or video files that are Creative Commons licensedLinks to an external site.. Any CC image or video file must be cited using an MLA citation for multimediaLinks to an external site. AND Creative Commons license.
  • You must also include 3 images or videos that you create and give your materials their own Title-Author-License (TAL) Creative Commons licenseLinks to an external site.. I leave it to you to decide where you place the Creative Commons licenses in your proposal.

Any files (images, videos, music) that are not Creative Commons licensed must have MLA multimedia citations. Images, CC-licensed or otherwise, do not count toward your 8 required sources.

On Tuesday, I will add all of our Spark Grant Proposal files to a Canvas page that everyone can access. The last week of classes will be dedicated to evaluating peer proposals.


below are the comment from the teacher about the last work

teacher comment:These project details are vague. How would you use the $1,500 Spark Grant? How would you measure your project’s success?

alsoo for one of past assignment that is what he said:You can use your story and image in your final proposal to build ethos and pathos.(the attached files is what is talking about)

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