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Schedule a Post-Observation Conference with your cooperating teacher no later than 24 hours after the Formal Lesson Observation 1. Share your

Schedule a Post-Observation Conference with your cooperating teacher no later than 24 hours after the Formal Lesson Observation

1. Share your self-evaluation 
(JUST DOMAIN 3) using 

Touro Rubric with evidence

 Download Touro Rubric with evidence
from your lesson you taught

2. Ask the cooperating teacher to provide specific feedback based on his or her observations in relation to Domain 3

   During this meeting you will discuss the following: 

· identify your self-selected 
glow/reinforcement area (using the lens of the HLP/Danielson domain)

· justify the
 glow/reinforcement selection with evidence

· identify your self-selected
 grow/refinement area

· justify the
 grow/refinement selection with evidence

· name actionable next steps to improve the 
grow/refinement and:

· how this will positively impact student achievement

· how this will support other evaluation instrument areas

· identify 
actionable next-steps for 
sustaining performance

· identify 
actionable next-steps for 
improving performan

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