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Psychology in the Real-World Activity Assignment #1Drugs in the Workplace: Yea or Nay? The presence of drugs being allowed in the workplace is still a

Psychology in the Real-World Activity Assignment #1Drugs in the Workplace: Yea or Nay?

The presence of drugs being allowed in the workplace is still a controversial issue in the United States (and throughout the world). For an example of the controversy, please view the following link: Views on Drugs from an Ivy League Professor. Some argue that all drugs are OK; others believe that only certain drugs should be deemed acceptable by an organization’s drug policy. Think of the career you are being trained for at Dallas College and determine if drugs in the workplace would hinder or enhance safety for employees and customers (in the United States). Be specific on the type of drugs (e.g.: prescribed drugs, illegal drugs and/or both) you plan to address in your argument.

Your grade for this assignment will be based on your submissions addresses the following requirements:

Content/Structure – 70 Points

  1. Your paper clearly identifies why drugs in the workplace are controversial – 15 Points
  2. Your paper clearly identifies which side you are taking in regard to drugs in the workplace for your career (either for or against drugs in the workplace) – 10 Points
  3. Within your paper you defend your stance with personal examples and/or examples in the news, and scholarly journals articles/books – 25 Points
  4. Your paper is written using between 750-1,000 words, not including the title page, abstract, or reference page(s) – 20 Points
    • Must submit as a Microsoft Word Document. Any other format will receive a no credit.
    • Your originality report (for plagiarism) should be under 15%. Do not direct quote. Please read the assignment details in the Assignments section of the syllabus and course announcements.
    • Must be in American Psychological Association (APA) Format – 10 Points
      • No abstract needed
    • 750-1,000 words (not including title, abstract, or reference pages) – 10 Points

Writing Mechanics and Spelling/Word Choice – 10 Points

  1. Appropriate grammar and punctuation are used throughout the entire paper
    • Very few spelling/wrong-word choice errors – 5 Points
    • Minimal writing mechanical errors – 5 Points

APA Format Citing – 20 Points

  1. Used a minimum of two scholarly articles – 5 Points
    • Scholarly references must be no more than seven (7) years old
  2. At least two in-text cited references from two scholarly resources – 5 Points
  3. At least two APA formatted in-text citations within project – 5 Points
  4. Correct APA reference page(s) at the end of project – 5 Points

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