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PSYC 635 Share your perspectives on intelligence, creativity, motivation, and wisdom. As you engage with the material for this Module, what issues come up for

PSYC 635

Share your perspectives on intelligence, creativity, motivation, and wisdom. As you engage with the material for this Module, what issues come up for you? What are your thoughts and feelings about the topics for this Module?

Some topics and questions for consideration in this Module’s discussion are:

· What are your thoughts about Amabile’s research on intrinsic motivation? Does it seem counter-intuitive that rewards can decrease creativity and intrinsic motivation? Is this idea different from what you previously thought? Why or why not?

· What are your thoughts about Goleman’s concept of emotional intelligence? Do you think this concept is measurable in the way that cognitive intelligence is measurable (at least to a degree, as it could be argued that cognitive intelligence is not totally measurable)?

· How important do you think emotional intelligence is in life? Which is more important to success – cognitive or emotional intelligence? Or does it depend on the particular realm? Discuss.

· What is wisdom? How does it differ from intelligence? How is it acquired? Can a person develop it, or is it just something a person does or does not have? Discuss.

· Relate the concept of wisdom to a biblical passage, such as passages in the book of Ecclesiastes that discuss wisdom. What does Ecclesiastes have to say about wisdom? How does this align, or not align, with what you are learning about adult psychology? How does it align, or not align, with Erikson’s theory?

· Discuss the issue of reliability of memory. Incorporate Loftus’ video. Was there anything about the video that surprised you? If so, what, and why? What implications do you see for her research?

You are not limited to these questions and topics, and you do not need to answer all the questions or address all the topics posed above. They are suggested to provide a starting point for your thought processes. Share your own ideas that relate to the topics of the Module, and pose questions of your own if you wish. You may also incorporate sources other than those from the course materials.

* Each thread, students must support their assertions with at least one scholarly citation and reference in current APA format. To encourage an atmosphere of a conversational discussion, citations and references are not required for the reply posts. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years unless the student is citing classic or historical theoretical information or research. Acceptable sources include course materials, textbooks, and/or scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles, in current APA format. The Bible may be used as a source
in addition to one of the other types.

* at least 200 words and 2 peer replies of at least 100 words

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