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Please see attached file  Ethics In this Discussion, you apply ethical decision making to a true-to-life scenario in social work practice. This

Please see attached file 


In this Discussion, you apply ethical decision making to a true-to-life scenario in social work practice. This activity takes place in the Discussion Board, but you do not need to respond to your peers. This Discussion works as follows:

The goal of this activity is to simulate how a change in circumstance or information can affect your ethical decision-making process—and in that way mirror common situations in actual practice.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 



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· Review the NASW Code of Ethics.

· Review the Ethical Decision-Making Tree.

· Review the scenarios below and choose one to respond to for this Discussion.

Scenario 1

You are in the first weeks of your internship, and you hear the employees discussing a client in the hallway. They are using terms like “junkie,” “loser,” and “hopeless.” How do you handle this situation?

Scenario 2

You are terminating with a client, and the client asks if they can take a picture of the two of you together to post on their social media page. They want to say how great you were. What are some considerations before responding to their request?

Scenario 3

You are doing an intake on a new client, and they tell you that they recognize you from your church. You do not know “specifically” who they are—but they do seem familiar. How do you respond to this?

By Day 3

· Within the context of your agency, explain what your first choice of action would be based on the scenario you chose, and explain why you made that choice. Support your answer using the NASW Code of Ethics and your agency policy when applicable.

 Be sure to indicate which scenario you chose in the title of your response.


By Day 6

· Imagine that each scenario has changed in the following way:

Scenario 1

You overhear the colleagues share that the client stated he wanted to “die,” and if he didn’t get admitted, he would “kill himself.” One of the colleagues stated, “He always says that—he’s never going to go through with it. Just ignore him.”

Scenario 2

After talking with your field Instructor, who has told you “no,” you find out that the client has already snuck a picture of the two of you and has posted it on their social media page.

Scenario 3

After talking with your supervisor, and addressing your conflict with the client, they still want to proceed with you as their social worker. During the session, the client admits that they have been having an affair with the pastor, and they have been stealing from the offering tray.

· Respond by explaining what your next steps would be in the situation, and explain why you chose those steps.

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