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Please see attached document for specific details Human Development Paper This is only a general guide on how to start literature research. It

Please see attached document for specific details

Human Development Paper

This is only a general guide on how to start literature research. It varies according to the theme and topic, in your own words.

No copy and paste as it cannot be accepted, and Turnitin reports the similarity, and if it is above the acceptance range, it is penalized as plagiarism. So please 
do not submit your paper as a pdf; it will not be graded. Your similarity should not be higher than 15%. The document
 will be scanned by an Artificial Intelligence Identification Tool


The paper must have five pages of content using APA 7. (including Times New Roman, and font 12, double space)

The cover page (1) or Presentation page must consist of the following:

· University – 

· Class – 

· Instructor with credentials (Professor/Dr)

· Term –

· Your name

· Content pages (5) this is what you find after doing the literature research and your personal opinions. Reference page (1). Make sure it is written using the names of the journals, books, or any proper references. 

Total Pages: seven including cover page plus references; five content pages 

In addition to your textbook, research findings must also be derived from the FNU Library Database to support your information (
two (2) academic/scholarly journals (Primary Sources) from journals in Psychology).

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