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Now that you have completed your research, have used the body of the essay to explain the problem and solution in detail, you must end your essay by

Now that you have completed your research, have used the body of the essay to explain the problem and solution in detail, you must end your essay by telling the reader what to do with this information to encourage change towards improvements. For this assignment, complete the following:

  1. Open a Word or Google Doc, set it to MLA format (margins, font, etc.)
  2. Type your MLA heading at the top left
  3. Title the document: Proposal Conclusion Draft
  4. Type a concluding paragraph for your proposal essay. Be sure your paragraph:
    1. starts with a transition word or phrase
    2. includes the core of the problem in one or two (1-2) sentences
    3. summarizes the solution in one or two (1-2) sentences
    4. clearly states the results or outcome of your solution in one to two (1-2) sentences
    5. ends with a sentence that tells the reader what specific action to take towards that solution

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