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Module 4 – Case EMERGING TRENDS Assignment Overview Note: Your Case Assignment and SLP assignment will be the same assignment in Module 4 only.

Module 4 – Case


Assignment Overview

Note: Your Case Assignment and SLP assignment will be the same assignment in
Module 4 only. You will need to prepare only one paper and submit the same paper
in both the Case 4 dropbox and the SLP 4 dropbox to receive a grade (the same
grade) for each.

Your professor will complete the rubric and feedback for the assignment for the Case
Assignment. For the SLP assignment no rubric will be completed. Your professor will
enter equivalent points (the same percentage, and letter grade) for the SLP as was
entered for the Case 4 grade.

Case Assignment

Read the articles below concerning how HR has changed from Personnel, and how
new technologies have and are reshaping the HRM field.

Human Resource Management (n.d.). The Historical Background of Human
Resource Management. Retrieved from

Nobes, C. (June 1, 2021). Getting ahead of HR technology trends in 2021.
Achievers. Retrieved from

Your task is to write a blog that addresses the concept of technology in the changing

Determine the key differences from past Personnel activities to what activities are
often performed in HR departments today.

A final section in your blog should focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion and HR’s
role in the development of technical skills of employees.

Provide sections titled

1. How and why Personnel has changed to HRM.

2. The emergence of technology to reshape HRM.


8/13/24, 3:30 PM Case – HRM404 HR Information Systems (2024JUN24FT-1)



3. Technology and Developing Employees

4. How technology may help organizations build more diverse, equitable, and
inclusive workplaces.

The following are optional articles for this assignment, but you are not limited to their
use. You may locate another high-quality peer-reviewed journal article of your own
choosing in the Trident Online Library.

Barisic, A. F., Poor, J., & Pejic Bach, M. (2019). The intensity of human resources
information systems usage and organizational performance. Interdisciplinary
Description of Complex Systems, 17(3), 586-597.
Available in the Trident Online Library.

Frey, J. (2019, 12). The future of work. Core HR, HRIS and Payroll Excellence
Essentials. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Tursunbayeva, A. (2019). Human resource technology disruptions and their
implications for human resources management in healthcare organizations. BMC
Health Services Research, 19(1), 268-275.
3. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Howard, T. L., & Ulferts, G. W. (2020). The changing value of diversity in
organizations. The Journal of Business Diversity, 20(2), 61-73. Available in the
Trident Online Library.

Write your response in a 5- to 6-page blog format, complete with pictures and/or
graphics. At the end of your blog, provide a list of the sources (in proper APA format)
utilized to prepare your submission. The references used must be high-quality
sources from the Trident Online Library. High-quality sources come from peer-
reviewed academic journals or textbooks. Keep in mind that blogs are typically
written in first person. The page count required does not include the cover and
reference list pages.

Assignment Expectations

Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the issues.

Include two sources used to prepare your paper in a References section at the end.
Use valid, high-quality sources. Sources may come from the course itself or from the
Trident Online Library.

Proofread your work and make sure it is as professional-appearing as possible.

Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this

Meets assignment requirements

8/13/24, 3:30 PM Case – HRM404 HR Information Systems (2024JUN24FT-1)



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Critical thinking

Writing and assignment organization

Use of sources and mechanics

Timeliness of assignment

8/13/24, 3:30 PM Case – HRM404 HR Information Systems (2024JUN24FT-1)


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