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Med Guide Instructions.  Prof’s instruction – Create a study guide that will help you to reference medications when working with clients as well

Med Guide Instructions.

 Prof’s instruction – Create a study guide that will help you to reference medications when working with clients as well as be a resource for licensure exam study materials.  You may choose any modality for creating this guide; from a word or excel document to a PowerPoint or padlet app, whatever fits your style and preferences.  Be sure that you can upload the guide or provide a link.  

(Basically prof wants a med list for the top three illnesses, depression anxiety and psyc diorder and she wants the list for the field i’m going to work in (i.e Bipolar disorder). Not much in the book, so prof asked to get it off google. (Obviously citations at the end) There’s no page requirement as long as the content is there. there’s no example to it neither. 

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