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Joe Brown (DOB 01/11/1930) is an 85-year-old straight, Black male who was recently admitted to the hospital after his youngest daughter found him

Joe Brown (DOB 01/11/1930) is an 85-year-old straight, Black male who was recently
admitted to the hospital after his youngest daughter found him lying on the floor in the
bathroom. His daughter estimates that he may have been on the ground overnight. Mr.
Brown was admitted to the hospital and diagnosed with a right side stroke that left him
with moderate weakness in his left arm and leg. Mr. Brown was also diagnosed with

According to his youngest daughter, Jean, Mr. Brown has been living on his own in a
two-story home. He has lived here for 60 years and has been alone for over 2 years
after his wife passed away. Mr. Brown has two daughters, Jean, who recently moved in
with her father after losing her job, and Catherine who lives 4 hours away with her
family. Mr. Brown is a retired school teacher and is described as a private man who
does not like having visitors at home.

The hospital social worker got Mr. Brown to agree to shopping assistance and a weekly
cleaning service. It is also noted that Mr. Brown has not identified anyone to have power
of attorney or any authority to help with finances and bill payments.

Jean reports that she and her sister Catherine have a tense relationship that worsened
when their mother passed away. The two are currently disagreeing about Mr. Brown’s
discharge destination and any time it is discussed, Jean and Catherine argue and the
conversation ends with no solution. Mr. Brown says he will be fine once he is back in his
own home, especially with Jean’s support, however, Jean is relutanct to agree to extra
services as she knows her father would not want this. Catherine feels that Mr. Brown
should transition into an assisted living or nursing facility and is concerned that Jean is
not coping well or being realistic.

Mr. Brown’s medical history indicates that he has Type II Diabetes and is insulin
dependent. He also has been admitted to the hospital on several other occasions
recently—twice for a urinary tract infection and once for a fall related to having low
blood sugar. Mr. Brown currently needs assistance to get in and out of bed as well as
help with his hygiene. However, Mr. Brown is able to walk short distances with a walker

Mr. Brown shares that he receives Social Security benefits as well as retirement pay
which is why he does not qualify for support services like food stamps or cash
assistance. He gets by each month and is able to maintain his bills. However, Mr.
Brown cannot recount how much money is in his accounts or the value of his home. He
appeared to be confused by some questions but was generally pleasant and willing to
engage in conversation. Mr. Brown says he knows he needs help but is not willing to
live in a residential facility.

HSV340 – Case Management

Case Vignette

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