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IT 212 Project Guidelines and Rubric Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: Explain the

IT 212 Project Guidelines and Rubric


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

Explain the func�ons between hardware and so�ware in a network

Design a simple network

Design and implement a secure interconnected network in support of an organiza�on


Throughout this course, you have been wri�ng various reports as parts of Milestones One and Two for an adver�sing firm that is opening a new office in Faye�eville, NC.

This mid-size adver�sing firm already has offices in Albany, NY, and Springfield, MA. The Albany headquarters is home to the execu�ve team and 150 employees. The headquarters also

stores the corporate data and is the corporate internet backbone. It hosts the IT department that centrally manages all LAN services, including the wireless LAN. The IT department also

manages the wide area network (WAN) that connects the two offices via site-to-site virtual private network (VPN) tunnels. The Springfield office hosts about 50 employees. Approximately

50% of these employees are mobile, defined as traveling more than 80% of the �me.

To hire and retain the best talent, the firm allows employees to work from home. This removes the constraint that employees have to live within commu�ng distance from the firm’s offices.

Remote and mobile employees are provided access to the corporate network via a VPN client. The VPN client requires employees to have access to reliable internet services to allow for

effec�ve collabora�on across teams and for access to media content. The company provides all employees with a laptop with full disk encryp�on, data loss preven�on (DLP), and an�virus

so�ware. The IT department manages all corporate laptops and has the ability to log into all systems for support. This means that all laptops are centrally managed by the one IT department.

Due to an increase in opportuni�es for expansion to new markets, the firm has embarked on an ini�a�ve to hire and train new college graduates for the company’s Future Vision program.

Future Vision focuses on expansion beyond the regional northeast footprint. The ini�a�ve is to hire graduates into the marke�ng, finance, and IT departments. You were hired as part of the

Future Vision program and have been working at this for some �me now. You have spent a considerable por�on of your �me troubleshoo�ng and analyzing the organiza�on’s computer

network to keep it running smoothly. Your direct supervisor and lead network administrator have been very impressed with your skills and fast learning abili�es.

To determine whether you are ready to take on more responsibility, you have been asked for your input regarding the new Faye�eville, NC, office setup project. Your task is to conduct

research on this area and deliver a report to the team with key considera�ons and recommenda�ons for the setup of the network infrastructure. The Faye�eville office will be home to 50

employees, including the new execu�ve vice president of sales and marke�ng. All the possible sites have offices located in an office building with access to fiber, cable, and T1 internet

service providers. In addi�on to the standard network, the site must support live video teleconferencing calls with employees based at the other sites. It must also reliably send print jobs to

billboard printers located in the company headquarters in Albany.


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The primary goal of the project is to consolidate your findings from Milestones One and Two and compose a succinct and complete solu�on that you will present to the firm’s execu�ve

leadership team about the type of network they should design and implement at the new loca�on.

It is recommended that you incorporate the feedback you received from your instructor on Milestones One and Two. You can use this feedback to succinctly refine your recommenda�ons

into a polished report.

Specifically, the following areas must be addressed in the report for the project:

I. Key Considera�ons

A. Explain your key considera�ons for the project.

Explain the OSI stack in rela�on to a modern communica�ons network and how it influenced your network design.

Describe the important IP range considera�ons for a company of your size.

B. Summarize, in your own language, the strategic goals of the company, and detail how the network solu�on you are presen�ng aligns with these goals.

Remember that these key considera�ons were addressed in Milestone One:

Communica�ons media and mode of data transport for the new network

Common network hardware components for this new loca�on

C. In addi�on, you can make relevant changes to your report based on your instructor’s feedback from Milestone One.

II. LAN Topology

A. In Milestone One, you described the LAN topology possibili�es and the strengths and weaknesses.

B. Provide your final revised solu�on for op�mal support that may include any feedback from the instructor from previous milestones.

III. Internet Service Provider

A. In Milestone Two, you described the possible ISP solu�ons available to meet the needs of the company in its new loca�on. The sec�on was based on your research into actual

providers at the Faye�eville, NC, loca�on.

B. This sec�on should include an explana�on as to how the chosen internet provider meets the business goals and objec�ves of the firm.

C. Provide your solu�on, along with any feedback from the instructor.

IV. Hardware and So�ware, Printer, and Bandwidth: In this sec�on, you will include these addi�onal parts from Milestone Two in your report. You can use your diagram from Milestone

Two as a star�ng point for these three items.

A. Explain your proposed hardware and so�ware solu�ons to meet the needs of the new office loca�on.

B. Describe your printer configura�on solu�ons to meet the distance prin�ng needs of the new office loca�on.

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This could include considera�ons for tracking devices, automa�ng driver distribu�on, and controlling access.

C. Explain your bandwidth and device solu�ons to meet the teleconferencing needs of the new office loca�on.

V. Poten�al Errors: In this sec�on, you will discuss common network errors and how your proposed solu�on will minimize and address these issues.

A. Based on your previous report, an�cipate common network errors that the new loca�on may encounter.

B. Describe effec�ve troubleshoo�ng approaches to the errors you iden�fied, such as problem isola�on, trace rou�ng, and pinging.

C. Explain how these approaches would ensure the resolu�on of the errors. Be sure your response is specific to the business loca�on.

VI. Addi�onal Considera�ons: In this sec�on, you will make recommenda�ons for industry standard documenta�on for ongoing network support.

A. Iden�fy op�ons for network monitoring that includes maintenance for network hardware and so�ware (for example, port scanning, interface monitoring, packet flow monitoring,


B. Iden�fy patch management op�ons that will help acquire, test, and install mul�ple patches on exis�ng applica�ons.

C. Describe how you will control inventory, including how to discover and track assets on your network.

As you develop your work, con�nue to look back on and consider each of these key elements. Remember, wri�ng is a process that unfolds over �me, and it typically requires reconsidera�on

and revision of key elements.

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Your report must be 3 to 5 pages in length. Use double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA forma�ng.

Project Rubric

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Key Considera�ons Exceeds proficiency in an

excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or crea�ve


Summarizes the key

considera�ons of the new


Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors or

omissions; areas for

improvement may include

determining the appropriate

communica�ons media and

mode of data transport for the

new network

Does not a�empt criterion 10

8/11/24, 12:07 PM Assignment Information


Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

IP Range Exceeds proficiency in an

excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or crea�ve


Designs common IP address

alloca�on techniques as part of

a network

Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors or

omissions; areas for

improvement may include

determining a plan to subnet or

further divide the IP network

Does not a�empt criterion 10

LAN Topology Exceeds proficiency in an

excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or crea�ve


Summarizes a solu�on for a

LAN topology that provides

op�mal support for the new


Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors or

omissions; areas for

improvement may include

describing the LAN topology

possibili�es and the strengths

and weaknesses

Does not a�empt criterion 10

Internet Service Provider Exceeds proficiency in an

excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or crea�ve


Iden�fies the ISP solu�on best

available to meet the needs of

the company in its new


Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors or

omissions; areas for

improvement may include

demonstra�ng how the chosen

internet provider meets the

business goals and objec�ves

Does not a�empt criterion 10

Hardware and So�ware,

Printer, and Bandwidth


Exceeds proficiency in an

excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or crea�ve


Iden�fies hardware and

so�ware solu�ons to meet the

needs of the new office


Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors or

omissions; areas for

improvement may include

iden�fying appropriate

solu�ons in regard to hardware

and so�ware, printers, and


Does not a�empt criterion 10

8/11/24, 12:07 PM Assignment Information


Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Poten�al Errors Exceeds proficiency in an

excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or crea�ve


Describes common network

errors that the new loca�on

may encounter and how the

approaches ensure the

resolu�on of the errors

Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors or

omissions; areas for

improvement may include

specifically describing common

network errors, such as router

and firewall issues that the new

loca�on may encounter, and

how the approaches ensure

resolu�on of the errors

Does not a�empt criterion 20

Troubleshoo�ng Exceeds proficiency in an

excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or crea�ve


Describes effec�ve

troubleshoo�ng approaches to

the errors iden�fied

Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors or

omissions; areas for

improvement may include

describing specific approaches

to the iden�fica�on of errors

such as problem isola�on, trace

rou�ng, and pinging

Does not a�empt criterion 10

Addi�onal Considera�ons Exceeds proficiency in an

excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or crea�ve


Addresses considera�ons for

industry standard

documenta�on for ongoing

network support

Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors or

omissions; areas for

improvement may include

specific considera�ons for

networking concepts, such as

network monitoring, patch

management, and inventory


Does not a�empt criterion 10

Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an

excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or crea�ve


Clearly conveys meaning with

correct grammar, sentence

structure, and spelling,

demonstra�ng an

understanding of audience and


Shows progress toward

proficiency, but with errors in

grammar, sentence structure,

and spelling, nega�vely

impac�ng readability

The submission has cri�cal

errors in grammar, sentence

structure, and spelling,

preven�ng understanding of



Total: 100%

8/11/24, 12:07 PM Assignment Information


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