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i NEED HELP to rewrite Module 1 – SLP LEADERSHIP TRAITS, BEHAVIORS, AND STYLES Please read the following

i NEED HELP to rewrite

Module 1 – SLP


Please read the following articles and complete the assignment based on the instructions below:

Breevaart, K., & de Vries Reinout, E. (2019;2021). 

Followers’ HEXACO personality traits and preference for charismatic, relationship-oriented, and task-oriented leadership

Journal of Business and Psychology, 36(2), 253-265.  Available in the Trident Online Library.

Smith, J. L. (2021). Leadership traits. 
Quality, 60(13), 14. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Tapia, A. T., & Polonskaia, A. (2020). Introduction. Defining the inclusive leader. In the 5 disciplines of inclusive leaders: unleashing the power of all of us. Berrett-Koehler. Available in the Trident Online Library.

For the Session Long Project, you will be applying the concepts in the background materials to your own personal experiences in the workplace. For this first SLP assignment, choose a supervisor that you personally worked for and got to know well and compare and contrast this supervisor’s leadership characteristics with your own personal leadership characteristics using the concepts from the required background materials. Carefully reflect on your supervisor’s traits, behaviors, and leadership styles. Then write a 
2- to 3-page paper (excluding title page and References Page) to 
include 2 scholarly sources from the required and optional readings list and addressing the following issues:

1. Overall, is your current role more of a leadership or a management role? How about your supervisor?

2. What key differences in leadership behaviors do you see between yourself and your supervisor? Refer to the concepts of being task-oriented, or people-centered/relationship-oriented that are discussed in the required background materials.

3. What leadership traits do you see between yourself, your coworkers, and your supervisor? Refer to specific leadership traits discussed in the required Smith (2021) article.

4. Would you describe your and your supervisor’s leadership style as diverse and inclusive? If so or if not, please explain your response. 

SLP Assignment Expectations

1. Your SLP should be 
2 – 3 pages in length (not including title and reference pages). This means the submission must be at least 2 full pages. It must include an introduction below the paper’s title prior to the answer to the first assignment question and a Conclusion on the last page before the References list page. There should be nothing in the top left corner of the paper and only a page number in the top right corner of all pages.

2. Be sure to cite and reference (using APA Style) a 
minimum of 2 scholarly sources listed in the Course Materials and Bibliography (Module 1 Required and Optional Reading List), in the Module 1 Background Page: Required and Optional Readings, or in the Trident Online Library (peer-reviewed journal articles).

3. Upload your paper to the SLP 1 Dropbox before the assignment due date.

4. Include both a reference page and in-text citations. Citation and reference style instructions are available at Trident University’s 

Introduction to APA
.  Another resource is the “Writing Style Guide,” which is found under “My Resources” in the TLC portal, the APA Manual (7th ed.).

The references found online via a tool like Google, in the Trident Online Library, or even in the courses may not be in correct APA format. For this reason, you are expected to research how to correctly format references. Do not just copy citations and expect them to be correct. The basic format of references are:

Author, A. B. (2020, December 25). Title of the article. 
Title of the Academic Journal, 55(3), 23-28.  

· 55 is the volume number for this fictitious example of a perfectly formatted reference of a journal article. Article titles are never typed in italics.  

Author, A. B., Bolden, C., & Cheswick, D. E. (2023). 
The art of leadership. John Wiley and Son. 

· This is the reference format for a fictitious book. Book titles never begin every word with a capital letter, but they are always typed in italics. Notice the use of an ampersand before the last listed author. 

MacMillan, P. (2020). 
Modern paradigms of leadership [Video]. Alexander Street. Available in the Trident Online Library. 

· This is the reference format for a video. The video title is always in italics.

Additional citation and reference style instructions are available at 

Purdue OWL
 ( and 

Trident University’s Introduction to APA Style
, 7th edition.

You will find the following useful as you critique sources:

Herring, J. E. (2011). Chapter 3: Evaluating websites, Figure 3.1, p. 38. In 
Improving students’ web use and information literacy: a guide for teachers and teacher librarians. Facet Publishing. Available in the Trident Online Library, EBSCO eBook Collection.

Lack, C. W., & Rousseau, J. (2016). Chapter 4: What is critical thinking? In 
Critical thinking, science, and pseudoscience: Why we can’t trust our brains. Springer Publishing Company. Available in the Trident Online Library, EBSCO eBook Collection.

Module 1 – Background


Required Reading

A good place to start is with these first two videos on the distinction between leadership and management:

Buckingham, M. (2008). 

Marcus Buckingham discusses difference between management and leadership
 [Video].  Prendismo. Available in the Trident Online Library, Academic Video Online database (Alexander Street).

Organizational Agility & Leadership. (2021). 

Difference between a manager and a leader: Simon Sinek
.  [Video]. YouTube. Available through the standard YouTube license.

Authentic leaders recognize that their employees all need a purpose for doing their jobs. This instills a higher level of confidence and pride for doing a job well done. Authentic leaders are known to be honest in their relationships with employees. Doing so instills trust in both the leader and team members.

Films Media Group. (2019). 
4 Skill sets for successful leadership [Video]. Films On Demand. Available in the Trident Online Library, Films on Demand database. 

Now dive deeper into the main topics of this module by reading the following book chapter. Pay special attention to the discussion of the distinction between a manager and a leader, leadership styles (e.g., autocratic, participative, free-rein), and trait theory.

Breevaart, K., & de Vries Reinout, E. (2019;2021). 

Followers’ HEXACO personality traits and preference for charismatic, relationship-oriented, and task-oriented leadership

Journal of Business and Psychology, 36(2), 253-265.  Available in the Trident Online Library.

Smith, J. L. (2021). Leadership traits. 
Quality, 60(13), 14. Available in the Trident Online Library.

van der Hoek, M., & Kuipers, B. S. (2022, December 29). 

Who are leading? A survey of organizational context explaining leadership behaviour of managers and non-managerial employees in public organizations

Public Management Review.  Available in the Trident Online Library.

To learn about the differences and similarities of leadership and management, look for the following journal article in the Trident Online Library:

Holmes, A. C., Acker, L. D., & Boettcher, M. L. (2021). Supervision, leadership, and management: distinct, yet complementary. 
New Directions for Student Services, 175, 19–30. DOI: 10.1002/ss.20393  Available in the Trident Online Library,

(Hint: Do not put this article away because it is the center of this Module’s case assignment!)

Korkmaz, A. V., van Engen, M. L., Knappert, L., & Schalk, R. (2022, December). 

About and beyond leading uniqueness and belongingness: A systematic review of inclusive leadership research

Human Resource Management Review, 32(4), 1-20. ISSN 1053-4822,  Available in the Trident Online Library.

The following Straker reference is a great website that has freely available information about a variety of leadership theories as well as numerous other disciplines:

Straker, D. (n.d.). (n.d.). 

Leadership theories

Changing Minds

Optional Reading

Ertürk, A., & Albayrak, T. (2020). 

Empowerment and organizational identification: The mediating role of leader–member exchange and the moderating role of leader trustworthiness

Personnel Review, 49(2), 571-596.  Available in the Trident Online Library.

Finegan, T. (2021). Chapter 2: Leaders versus titles executives—leadership differs from management. In 
Amplifiers: How great leaders magnify the power of teams, increase the impact of organizations, and turn up the volume on positive change. John Wiley & Sons. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Tapia, A. T., & Polonskaia, A. (2020). Chapter 6: Barilla—preserving tradition while changing it. In 
The 5 disciplines of inclusive leaders: unleashing the power of all of us. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Younger, H. R. (2021). 
The art of caring leadership: how leading with heart uplifts teams and organizations. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Available in the Trident Online Library.

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