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HSN/376: Health Information Technology For Nursing Informatics an

HSN/376: Health Information Technology For Nursing

Informatics and Caring Paper

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There is nothing more fundamental to nursing than the ability of nurses to care. “Caring is the essence of nursing” (Watson 1999, p. 33). This holistic, person-centered approach emphasizes cultural competence, which the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) defines as “the ability to effectively work within the client’s cultural context.”

Nurses can use informatics to champion and support initiatives that reduce harm, keep patients safe, improve quality outcomes, and decrease the amount of time patients spend in a hospital. But can informatics be used to care for the sick?

Write a 525- to 700-word paper that demonstrates how you can integrate technology with caring for your patients. Include an explanation of Watson’s theory of caring and how your use of technology incorporates cultural sensitivity. Use at least 3 specific examples from your own experience.

Support your paper with at least 3 peer-reviewed resources.

Format your paper and references according to APA guidelines (references need to be within 5 years (2020 to 2024))

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