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HCA 333 Week 4 DQ 2 Governance Nursing Assignment Help

This paperwork of HCA 333 Week 4 Discussion Question 2 Governance consists of:

In a 250-300 word post, discuss legal liability in terms of governance in long-term care settings. What agencies have oversight authority? Provide one real life example of a long-term care liability issue that could conflict with a governance function. Cite one APA source from a scholarly reference to support your discussion. Respond to two of your classmates

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Legal liability in long-term care settings is a significant concern that healthcare professionals must address in order to ensure patient safety and quality of care. Governance plays a pivotal role in managing the legal obligations and responsibilities in these settings. This response will discuss legal liability in terms of governance in long-term care settings, identify agencies with oversight authority, and provide a real-life example of a long-term care liability issue that could conflict with a governance function. It will also include a citation from a scholarly reference to support the discussion.

Legal liability in terms of governance in long-term care settings involves the accountability and responsibility of governing bodies for their actions and decisions. Governance refers to the structures, processes, and mechanisms that guide the operations of an organization and ensure compliance with legal and ethical standards.

Several agencies have oversight authority in long-term care settings to regulate and monitor the delivery of care. One significant agency is the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), which oversees Medicare and Medicaid programs and sets regulations and standards for long-term care facilities. State health departments also play a crucial role in monitoring compliance with regulations and ensuring quality of care.

A real-life example of a long-term care liability issue that could conflict with a governance function is the failure to prevent falls in a nursing home. Falls are common among the elderly population, and nursing homes have a duty to implement appropriate preventive measures. If a nursing home fails to adequately assess and address fall risks, resulting in a resident sustaining injuries from a fall, it may face legal liability for negligence. This liability issue could conflict with the governance function of ensuring patient safety and implementing policies and protocols to prevent falls.

To support this discussion, a scholarly reference by Hoffman and Miller (2018) emphasizes the importance of governance in managing legal risks in long-term care. They highlight the significance of strong leadership, clear policies, and effective risk management practices to minimize legal liability and maintain compliance with regulations.

In conclusion, legal liability in long-term care settings is a complex issue requiring effective governance to ensure patient safety and mitigate risks. Various agencies, including CMS and state health departments, have oversight authority to regulate and monitor compliance. One real-life example of a liability issue in long-term care is the failure to prevent falls. Strong governance, leadership, and risk management practices are crucial in managing legal risks and upholding quality of care.

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