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Grant Proposal Rubric 5 pts Title page includes title of the grant project, duration, amount requested, and

Grant Proposal Rubric

5 pts

Title page includes title of the grant project, duration, amount requested, and candidate’s name

10 pts

Introduction is included and contains a general project overview by summarizing the problem/need, population/area of impact, activity/intervention, and hypothesis or intended outcome.

15 pts

Need Assessment section is included and each of the following components are fully addressed: description of the current situation; description of strengths, description of the problem/need for this project, data as evidence of the problem or need , numerical when appropriate to the problem (survey data, test scores, etc.) and anecdotal data (observation, interview, questionnaire, document analysis data)

15 pts

Purpose section is present and includes an action research purpose. The purpose section also involves a clear statement of the project’s significance.

15 pts

Goals & Objectives section is present. Overarching research goals and clear, measurable objectives for the research project are included in a bulleted format..

15 pts Background and Rationale

A literature review section is present and includes evidence for the proposed project through a synthesis of previous literature; at least 5 scholarly sources are used and are cited in the literature review section..

15 pts

Method of Evaluation section is present. A table format is used to show each objective, how it will be measured using specific quantitative or qualitative data collection measures, and the methods of data analysis for each objective

10 pts

Proposed Activities & Schedule section is present. Section included the project’s main activities and a weekly or monthly schedule showing how the activities will be carried out from project initiation to completion

10 pts

Budget & Justification section is present. Section includes a list of all materials/resources, estimated cost of each, and a brief justification for each in a 3-column table format.

10 pts

Expected Outcomes section is present. The following are included: anticipated conclusions of the project; conclusions relate directly to goals/objectives.

5 pts

Includes a reference page with full APA style entries for each in-text citation used in paper.

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