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Foraging Shrimp Assignment Pass in the following sections in a work document. Results Figures This section should include a page with Figure 1, Figure 2, a

Foraging Shrimp Assignment

Pass in the following sections in a work document.



This section should include a page with Figure 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3 (see data analysis guide). We completed these together in lab. Make sure you include descriptive figure captions underneath them that describe what data is being shown in graph, what the sample size was (i.e. how many values went into calculating the averages), the common and scientific name of the species, a very brief description of the experiment (e.g. what constituted a high and low patch, how long the trials lasted, how many trials there were). You don’t need to include the date or geographic location of the experiment because it was carried out in a controlled lab setting and therefore date and geographic location are not relevant to results.

Written Results

On a separate page from figures and captions, you should describe the trends in the data. This should include a description of everything we “pulled out” of the data during our data analysis in class and a description of trends in the three figures.

Directed Discussion

Are our results consistent with what you would expect according to optimal foraging theory/marginal value theorum? You will need to briefly describe what it is (paraphrase a description of what optimal foraging theory and marginal value theorem are from reference #1 provided on Moodle) and then say whether our results are consistent. How might you explain the change in patch use over time within our trials? Connect your explanation to something in reference #2 (cite the source properly when you refer to information from it).


Provide properly formatted references for two references you used in your discussion.

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