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For this discussion board, you should have read Dan Melzer’s article, “Understanding Discourse Communities.” Download Dan Melzer’s article, “Understanding

For this discussion board, you should have read Dan Melzer’s article, “Understanding Discourse Communities.” Download Dan Melzer’s article, “Understanding Discourse Communities.”  For this discussion board, I want you to evaluate your experiences with discourse communities in your own words (meaning, not using ChatGTP or another AI based platform): 

What is a discourse community? Define it in your own words. 

What discourse communities have you encountered as a first-year college student? Are the different core courses you have taken examples of discourse communities? What have you noticed about the differences in conventions or expectations among your core courses? 

Can you think of any examples outside of college of discourse communities? 

Further, I want you to identify what you find difficult or hard to understand about Melzer’s definition of discourse communities. Is there anything you are still confused about and need clarification from a classmate or myself? 

Finally, why am I making you learn this concept? What does it have to do with Learning Unit #3: Study of a Professional Community? Can you draw connections from the assignment sheet and the terminology of discourse communities? 

Your primary post is due Thursday, March 21st at 11:59 PM and your Value Added Comments are due Sunday, March 24th at 11:59 PM. Remember, you can only earn up to 50% for this discussion board if you do not post your Value-Added Comments (Peer reponses). Each comment should be 250 words and add substance and insight to the discussion. 

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