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For this assignment, you will write a 4-5 page (950-1300 words) proposal essay that presents your solution to a local (San Antonio and the surrounding

For this assignment, you will write a 4-5 page (950-1300 words) proposal essay that presents your solution to a local (San Antonio and the surrounding areas) community problem.Clearly define the local problem. Be sure to include background information about the problem.

  • Develop a well-explained and supported solution. Your objective is to persuade your audience that your solution is the best solution to the problem. Your solution should be easy to understand, viable, and affordable.
  • Include information about how you plan to fund your solution.
  • Include relevant support from at least three(3) reliable sources. Remember that the source material you use will most likely come from the sources you included in your annotated bibliography.
  • Use in-text citations in the essay for supporting evidence.
  • Include a mandatory Works Cited page (in addition to the 4-5 page essay).  Failure to submit a Works Cited page with your essay will result in a grade no higher than a 50.
  • Address anticipated objections.
  • Include a call to action at the end of the conclusion.

Format: All essays must use the MLA style heading and follow all other MLA guidelines for formatting (12 pt. Times New Roman font, pagination, double spaced, 1-inch margins, etc.).

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