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For this assessment, you will research a selected local, national, or global nonprofit organization or government agency to determine how it

For this assessment, you will research a selected local, national, or global nonprofit organization or government agency to determine how it contributes to public health and safety improvements, promotes equal opportunity, and improves the quality of life within the
community and submit your findings in a 2-3 page report.

First review the local, national, and global nonprofit organizations and government agencies in the list underlined below and select one to be the focus of your assessment.

Advocacy & Services for LGBTQ+ Elders: Works
to improve the quality of life of older LGBTQ+ adults through advocacy, education, and the provision of services.

• Equal Justice Initiative:
Committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment, challenging racial and economic injustice, and protecting basic human rights.

National Alliance to End Homelessness:
Works to prevent and end homelessness through research, education, and advocacy.

• Urban Triage:
Empowers Black families while mobilizing community resources and distributing them to those most in need.

World Health Organization:
The directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system, responsible for providing leadership on global health matters.

Then research the nonprofit organization or government agency that you selected. Determine how the organization or agency contributes to public health and safety improvements, promotes equal opportunity, and improves the quality of life within the community. Submit your findings in a 2-3 page report structured according to the following specifications:

Document Format and Length

Format your paper using APA style.

· Be sure to include:

· A title page and references page. An abstract is not required.

· Appropriate section headings.

· Your paper should comprise 2-3 pages of content plus title and references pages.

Supporting Evidence

· Cite at least three credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications published within the past 5 years that support your research findings.

· Explains how an organization’s mission and vision enable it to contribute to public health and safety improvements. Draws well-reasoned, logical conclusions about the organization’s work and provides a specific, relevant example of how a local and/or global initiative supports the organization’s mission and vision and promotes public health and safety.

· Evaluates an organization’s ability to promote equal opportunity and improve the quality of life in a community, with regard to the effects of social, cultural, economic, and physical barriers and their implications for the organization and community.

· Assesses the impact of funding sources, policy, and legislation on an organization’s service delivery. Provides clear insight into the potential implications of funding decisions, policy, and legislation for community members.

· Explain how an organization’s work impacts the health and/or safety needs of a local community, and offers creative or insightful ideas about how nurses might become involved with the organization.

· Organizes content with a clear purpose. Content flows logically with smooth transitions using coherent paragraphs, correct grammar/punctuation, word choice, and free of spelling error

· Exhibits strict and flawless adherence to APA formatting of headings, in-text citations, and references. Quotes and paraphrases correctly.

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