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For our final paper, we will continue to explore a health topic. However, this time you will take a stance and defend that stance. Our research question is

For our final paper, we will continue to explore a health topic. However, this time you will take a stance and defend that stance. Our research question is:

Should the government regulate the ingrediences and labeling of processed foods?

Please watch the following YouTube video. Take notes on points made in support of government regulation of processed foods and take notes on points made against government involvement in regulating processed foods.

Fed UpLinks to an external site.

Next, set a timer on your phone or use an egg timer (or a stopwatch) and use one of our prewriting techniques for 10 minutes. Just keep your typing or pencil/pen going for that 10 minutes. Write down everything that comes to mind on as related to reasons for or against government regulation of processed food.

Here are the ways to prewrite as covered in our first and second papers:

Please watch the following video on prewriting:

LinkLinks to an external site.(the Writing process:Pre-writing on youtube by Good English U)

Now, please watch this next video on prewriting:

LinkLinks to an external site.(Prewriting Strategies on youtube by leslie Becker)

Once you are finished, review what you wrote and “mine” it for the best starting point for your argument paper.. For example, you may decide the government should regulate school lunches, but nothing more. Or you may decide that the government should regulate all processed foods and all labeling – or never regulate processed foods or labeling. You decide your narrowed topic.

In the text box, or as an attachment, please submit:

1. Your prewriting exercise.

2. Your working thesis statement. Be sure that your working thesis statement is clearly stated below your prewriting.

I will grade and comment on these. Please check my comments before continuing to the next exercise in this our final paper.

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