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First, open the workbook you downloaded from Step 1. Next, save your workbook as Week2_Lab_YourLastName_YourFirstName.xlsx. The data contains the following

First, open the workbook you downloaded from Step 1. Next, save your workbook as Week2_Lab_YourLastName_YourFirstName.xlsx.

The data contains the following columns.

  • Units A, B, and C
  • Months
  • Years

Step 3: Create Format and Formulas

  1. Format the data for currency where needed.
  2. Add a title to the data worksheet. Make it larger, bold, and centered over the data using the merge and center option on the home tab. You can also add color to the title.
  3. Add shading for the labels.
  4. In Column F under total costs, use the sum function to total all three units.
  5. Add totals at the bottom of the data for all columns, using the sum function.
  6. Add the average to each column by adding the function for average.
  7. Screenshot or copy your file in a Microsoft Word document under a label that says Step 3.
  8. Save both files.

Step 4: Sort and Filter

  1. Select the data except for the total and the average.
  2. Click the filter (funnel) on the data tab. You will see small drop-down arrows on all columns.
  3. Sort the total cost ascending. Take a screenshot of your sort results. Paste the screenshot into your MS Word document under a label that says Step 4 – Part 1.
  4. Click undo or clear filter at the bottom. Select all to turn check marks off and put a check mark in JAN. Take a screenshot of your filtered results and paste it into your MS Word document under the a label that says Step 4 – Part 2.
  5. Click undo or uncheck JAN and select DEC. Take a screenshot of the sort results and paste it into your MS Word document under the a label that says Step 4 – Part 3.
  6. Using your knowledge of Microsoft Excel, what can you ascertain about the data? Are there interesting insights that come to light as you analyze it using sorting and filtering? Please provide a short summary (50 to 100 words) under the last screenshot.
  7. Save both files.

Step 5: Charting

  1. Create a pie chart of the total units and the three types of units. You may need to use a different area of the worksheet to set up the pie chart labels and numbers with total cost.
  2. Label and format the chart to make it look professional.
  3. Screenshot or copy your file in a Microsoft Word document under a label that says Step 5.
  4. Under the screenshot in the document, please summarize what you can see in this chart within 50 to 100 words.
  5. Save both files.

Step 6: Reflection

  1. Open your MS Word document with the sorting and filtering screen prints.
  2. Write a short reflection of what you have learned doing this lab exercise. This should be between 100 to 200 words. Within your summary, consider what the data tells you in terms of which units costs more and what months are the highest costs.

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