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Description College of Health Sciences Department of Public Health Assignment Cover Sheet Course name: ETHICS AND REGULATIONS IN HEALTH Course


College of Health Sciences
Department of Public Health
Assignment Cover Sheet
Course name:
Course number:
PHC 216
Assignment title or task:
1. What is the purpose of seeking consent from patients?
Who should seek consent?
Student name:
Students Id Number:
Submission date:
Restricted – ‫مقيد‬
Instructor name:
Dr. Mariam Hamdan Ahmed
Out of 10
College of Health Sciences
Department of Public Health
Assignment Instructions:
Dear Students,
Assignment topic: What is the purpose of seeking consent from patients? Who should seek
This activity will comprise for 10 marks in the Total course work.
Things to consider when writing in APA style:
1. The font color must be black.
2. The font size is 12.
3. The font type is Times New Roman.
4. The paragraph must be justified.
5. Double line spacing.
6. Write the topic and center it at the top of the page.
7. Write your name before the topic to the lift as HEADER.
8. Plagiarism is highly prohibited and will only result in getting a zero; I strongly
recommend you should write assignments in your own words and NEVER copy from
other students or from your resources as this will be considered plagiarism. (Paraphrasing
and proper citation in APA style will help you)
9. Do not Bold, Italic, or Underline the paragraphs.
10. Words number from 150 to 200. (References are not included)
11. Use at least two references.
The following format is about how to write the reference list.

Authors’ names (edited year). Title of resource. Retrieved from http:// (add the link of
your reference)

If you have more than one author write their names in alphabetical order. Write their last
names, add comma, then write the first letter of their first names.
Restricted – ‫مقيد‬
College of Health Sciences
Department of Public Health

If the reference has six or more authors, simply provide the last name of the first author
with “et al.” from the first citation to the last. For example: Thomas et al.

Restricted – ‫مقيد‬
The title of the reference must be ITALIC.

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