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DB Writing Prompt: Write a 300-500 word reflection in response to this assignment prompt.Your response to this discussion post should try to create a

DB Writing Prompt: Write a 300-500 word reflection in response to this assignment prompt.Your response to this discussion post should try to create a reflection, with supportive textual evidence, that engages with as many questions as possible, in mini-essay form, while also creating a foundation for how you think about and respond to your peers’ posts.

After watching the Carmilla (2017) film and reading Crimson Desires: Eternally Hers (Bone), what interpretations can you offer, what conclusions can you draw about how both of these texts situate themselves in the genre of vampire literature and gothic fiction? How do both texts highlight or challenge themes of patriarchy and homophobia through their narratives? How do the genres of each text affect the way the story is told? How did the texts offer satirical elements, in other words, how did the texts offer metaphors through mockery or camp? How did Carmilla and Crimson Desires portray subtexts within their narrative structures? What ideas were implied through the narrative arcs? Further, how do both works theorize gender and sexuality through how the characters exist and engage with each other? In order to fully answer these questions, be sure to use specific examples from the film and book, citing quotes, i.e. page #s and time stamps (Bone 15, Bone 15-18) or (4:23-6:12), to support your ideas.

Please share your thinking and reflection, especially if it includes personal connections, experiences, and stories. Also, in order to support your thinking, please include the quotes, references, in-text citations, via MLA Format. You can include a Works Cited section with this post, listing all the references (separate from in text), though you are not required to.

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