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CRJ317 Week 3 Assignment Template1. Examine and analyze the current utilization of AI technology within the criminal justicesystem across the following

CRJ317 Week 3 Assignment Template1. Examine and analyze the current utilization of AI technology within the criminal justicesystem across the following areas: predictive policing, recidivism risk prediction, facialrecognition, and data analytics. Provide a comprehensive answer for each aspect,detailing its implementation, impact, benefits, and potential drawbacks.

Predictive Policing

Recidivism RiskPrediction

Facial recognition 

Data Analytics

2. Summarize and provide a detailed overview on the current use of one specific AItechnology in each of the following sectors: law enforcement, private security, courts,and corrections.

Law EnforcementPrivate Security



3. Cite at least three credible sources, in proper SWS style, to support your research. 

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