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BCIT Department of Physics MGO-03 – Worksheet Version: Jan-23 – 1 – © Dr. M. Harder MGO-03: Graphical Analysis – Worksheet Maximum Score: 18 1. [4]

BCIT Department of Physics MGO-03 – Worksheet

Version: Jan-23 – 1 – © Dr. M. Harder

MGO-03: Graphical Analysis – Worksheet

Maximum Score: 18

1. [4] Include the following four GraphIt outputs (plot and fit results) with your submission:

(1) Data Set 1 fit with Model 1.1
(2) Data Set 1 fit with Model 1.2
(3) Data Set 2 fit with Model 2.1
(4) Data Set 2 fit with Model 2.2

Ensure that: (i) Your axes are properly labelled, including units; (ii) Your graph has an
appropriate title; (iii) You follow the formatting requirements of Sec. 2 in the

From now on all of these conditions must be met as a default when submitting any

2. [1] For Data Set 1, write out the relationship between Model 1.1 and the hypothesis.

The answer for this question is:

𝒚 = 𝑽; 𝒙 = 𝑰; 𝑨 = 𝑽𝟎; 𝑩 = 𝑹

You can simply write out this answer on your worksheet. The reason I am writing it
here is so you know what I mean when I ask for “the relationship between the model
and hypothesis equations, and you can now perform this same analysis for the other
hypotheses and models in this experiment.

3. [1] Write out your fit equation for Data Set 1, using Model 1.1. Ensure: (i) That you use
the appropriate variables and that all fit coefficients: (ii) Include uncertainties; (iii) Are
properly rounded; and (iv) Include appropriate units.

From now on all of these conditions must be met as a default when writing out any fit
equation, in any experiment we do.

4. [1] Based on your fit, is 𝐴 consistent with zero? In other words, does 𝐴 overlap with zero

within experimental uncertainty?

5. [1] For Data Set 1, write out the relationship between Model 1.2 and the hypothesis.

6. [1] Write out your fit equation for Data Set 1, using Model 1.2.

MGO-03 – Worksheet BCIT Physics Department

– 2 – © Dr. M. Harder

7. [1] Based on your answer to question 3 and the conditions for selecting an appropriate
model equation (see p. 2 of the MGO-03 lab description), should you use Model 1.1 or
Model 1.2 to fit Data Set 1?

8. [1] For Data Set 2, write out the relationship between Model 2.1 and the hypothesis.

9. [1] Write out your fit equation for Data Set 2, using Model 2.1.

10. [1] For Data Set 2, write out the relationship between Model 2.2 and the hypothesis.

11. [1] Write out your fit equation for Data Set 2, using Model 2.2.

12. [2] Show your calculation of ρ and Δρ using Data Set 2 and your Model 2.2 fit.

13. [1] State your final result for ρ ± Δρ. Make sure to properly round your result, and

include your uncertainty and units.

From now on, all of these conditions should be met by default when stating an
experimental result.

14. [1] Would you choose Model 2.1 or 2.2 to fit Data Set 2? Explain your reasoning.

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