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attached Comment about this post: Reading through this chapter was very interesting. I did understand the way that more affluent students tend to do


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Reading through this chapter was very interesting. I did understand the way that more affluent students tend to do better in school and go off and have high-paying jobs only because their parents or families can afford to send them to college. In contrast, the less fortunate students have a harder time getting through school without having to drop out. Another thing I noticed in this chapter is that it discussed that two people who are equally intellectually smart and have the same grades do not always tend to succeed the same. It has to do with their motivation to succeed. This is something I see in the classroom with many students. I think it does come down to the parents’ parenting styles. So many students can do well and continue as they get older. Still, parents’ style of not wanting to enforce their education to follow directions and do their best has taken control in the classroom. I have seen so many bright students who catch on to lessons quickly but are then distracted and don’t want to complete their assignments just because they do not want to. That is a lack of motivation on their part. It has to do with how a student will see themselves in the future and what they plan on doing in their life for a career that will inevitably show how motivated they are with the intellect that they are given..

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