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attached Comment about this post: For our last week of discussions, I chose to talk about conduct disorder. As someone who is pursuing a career with


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For our last week of discussions, I chose to talk about conduct disorder. As someone who is pursuing a career with children in behavior analysis, this subject quickly caught my eye.

Conduct disorder gives information on the continuation of antisocial behavior from childhood to adolescence, stressing diagnosis stability and the transition to antisocial personality disorder in maturity. I found it interesting that oppositional-defiant disorder frequently precedes conduct disorder, implying a developmental trajectory. The distinction between conduct-disordered adolescents with callous-unemotional (CU) features and those without emphasizes the complexities of diagnosis and potential consequences for future behavior. Furthermore, the concept of aggression emphasizes its complexities, which range from physical fighting to relational aggression, as well as its decline between childhood and adolescence. The gender difference in aggressiveness stability raises questions about cultural effects and remedies.

In general, recognizing these externalizing challenges offers valuable knowledge about developmental processes, diagnostic issues, and the significance of early interventions to reduce long-term effects.

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