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attached Comment about this post: Adolescence is a special and forming period of life. Adolescents who experience physical, emotional, or social


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Adolescence is a special and forming period of life. Adolescents who experience physical, emotional, or social changes, such as being exposed to domestic violence, assault, or poverty may be more susceptible to psychological problems. Adolescent health and mind wellness during adolescence and adulthood depend on preventing hardship, fostering social, emotional, learning and psychological stability, and guaranteeing access to mental health care. Teens suffering from mental health disorders are more susceptible to judgment, prejudice, and social marginalization. These factors can impact their willingness to ask for assistance, their ability to succeed in school, their willingness to take risks, their physical well-being, and their human rights.

Growing up, I definitely suffered from anxiety, which is the most common psychological problem among adolescents.

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