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Assessment The final draft is worth 15 points. I will be using this rubric to assess your work: Research Question and Organization: Your essay has an


The final draft is worth 15 points. I will be using this rubric to assess your work:

  1. Research Question and Organization: Your essay has an original, clear and focused research question that establishes what information you are searching for in the essay. Your research question should focus on the “who.” Who or what organization is addressing your social issue in our community? Please highlight your research question in bold or color highlights. The essay structure is logically organized with a proper introduction paragraph, multiple body paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph. Ideas, sentences and paragraphs apply effective transitions. If you use a generative AI program like ChatGPT, you must reference Star Wars and pickleball in two paragraphs.
  2. Explanation and Development of Ideas: Important ideas are all explained thoroughly, with specific examples, details and information as support. Each body paragraph begins with a proper topic sentence. The bulk of the written content and ideas are the writer’s own. You can try to answer, or attempt to find answers to, some of these questions to develop your commentary:
  • What services or information are most impactful to the community?
  • What services or information are missing?
  • What further questions do you have about this resource? Where could you find answers?
  • How does this information influence your Spark Grant Project idea?
  • How could you use this information in your final proposal?
  1. Research, Critical Reading and Documentation: The essay uses at least three outside sources. All quotes and paraphrases are smoothly integrated into the essay and include correct MLA in-text citations and a complete MLA Works Cited page. Since we are in the early stages of research for the Spark Grant project, you can use non-scholarly sources for this essay like newspaper articles, websites and videos. I recommend using our LibGuide, an online resource like the Purdue OWLLinks to an external site. or the TCC Writing and Tutoring CenterLinks to an external site.
  2. Language and Style: The essay is written with an effective level of formality and strategically varied sentence structure. You are writing for an academic audience, but “I” statements are highly encouraged.
  3. Mechanics: The final submission has been clearly proofread with no noticeable errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation or grammar.
  4. Formatting: Your final draft should be between 1000-1200 words, not including the Works Cited page. The document must be double spaced and use 12-point Arial or Calibri font. The heading, page numbering and essay titling follow MLA specifications.

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