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TOPIC: Are fraternities too dangerous for college students? The following essay should be written by using information from this source:

TOPIC: Are fraternities too dangerous for college students?

The following essay should be written by using information from this source:

information to access the short book: 

username: [email protected]

password: Tommymipeti04! 

Submit your Final Draft here and it will be graded by your instructor. 

Be sure to include all sections of the paper in one file and clearly label each section with headers:

  • Introduction
  • Summary
  • Analysis & Response
  • Conclusion—-this is new!

Note that the Conclusion is a new section you have not yet submitted.  It should include these things:

Conclusion.  ½ – 1 page

  • Explain the importance of the readings and how they can be used
  • Describe what was learned from these articles
  • Describe relevance to psychology and the study of people
  • Shows insight into meaning of the readings

Please also proofread your paper for good organization and grammar.  Here are some things your instructor will look for:

Organization & Grammar.  Strong introduction and conclusion.  Consistent and coherent logical progression.  Uses clear and skillful transitions.  Uses headings to clearly identify each section of the paper and paragraphs to group coherent thoughts.  Displays correct spelling, punctuation, usage, and grammar.  Writes clearly.  Skillful sentence structure.  Paper written in student’s own words with minimal use of quotes.

General Psychology Writing Assignment RubricThe following rubric will be used to evaluate your final draft of the Writing Assignment. You should also use itwhen preparing your assignment so that you include the appropriate sections and understand what yourinstructor will be looking for when grading your assignment. Please note: Papers LONGER than 5 pages (1250words) will NOT be graded.Section ScoringIntroduction. 1 paragraph – ½ page Introduce issue you are exploring in your paper Briefly explain the importance or application of this issue within Psychology10 pts8-10 = Excellent7 = Acceptable6 = Needs Work0-5 = Unacceptable

Summary. ½ – 1 page Summary of issue(s), according to the articles assigned Present the arguments according to each reading/author for each side Your perspective/view on the issue is clearly presented20 pts16-20 = Excellent14-15 = Acceptable12-13 = Needs Work0-11 = Unacceptable

Analysis and Response. 1 – 2 pages Use of specific and convincing examples from the articles studied to support yourclaims, making insightful and applicable connections between the articles/sides Make connections between the articles and your own life, give examples Response shows depth of thinking—reasons, explanations, details, observations,and/or examples are given to support your ideas, opinions, and thoughts40 pts32-40 = Excellent28-31 = Acceptable24-27 = Needs Work0-23 = Unacceptable

Conclusion. ½ – 1 page Explain the importance of the readings and how they can be used Describe what was learned from these articles Describe relevance to psychology and the study of people Shows insight into meaning of the readings20 pts16-20 = Excellent14-15 = Acceptable12-13 = Needs Work0-11 = Unacceptable

Organization & Grammar. Strong introduction and conclusion. Consistent andcoherent logical progression. Uses clear and skillful transitions. Uses headings toclearly identify each section of the paper and paragraphs to group coherentthoughts. Displays correct spelling, punctuation, usage, and grammar. Writesclearly. Skillful sentence structure. Paper written in student’s own words withminimal use of quotes.10 pts8-10 = Excellent7 = Acceptable6 = Needs Work0-5 = UnacceptableTOTALA/B = Excellent/Exceeds StandardsC = AcceptableD = Needs WorkF = Unacceptable

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