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2 Production Management MGT 4303 Unit VIII Journal Reflect on what you have learned in the last four units of this course and complete this


Production Management MGT 4303 Unit VIII Journal

Reflect on what you have learned in the last four units of this course and complete this three-part journal:

Part I: Some production/assembly line jobs are dull and routine. This can lead to labor turnover. What could you as a production manager do with layout design to make these jobs more attractive?

Part II: Imagine that you work for a company in a small town in the Midwest where it is the dominant employer. You just found out that your company is considering moving its production facilities to a small town in the South where costs are lower. Many other businesses in the Midwest, such as restaurants, banks, service stations, and grocery stores, will be negatively affected. Do you think the company has a social responsibility to take this into account with its relocation decision? Explain your reasoning.

Part III: Companies are adopting lean practices, including inventory management, to improve their operations. Do you think these principles would help manage your household? Which do you think would be the most helpful?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

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